Welcome to the Grovetown Lagoon Project info@grovetown.co.nz

Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Project


Newsletter 65

Published on Jul 1, 2023

Annual General Meeting -
The Grovetown Lagoon Over Time


The above photograph was taken in 2017 in the Springs Wetland and the growth rates since have been phenomenal. This paddock planted with saplings (shown in the photographs above and below) is now a mass of close knit natives. The photograph below is when the gravel track in Springs Wetland was first put in place.


The achievements of the Grovetown Lagoon Society have unfolded slowly over the last 20 years, and now it is hard to imagine what the lagoon was like before. At the Annual General Meeting there will be a slideshow of photographs of the Lagoon over the last 20 years. Come along to the Annual General Meeting (details below) and have a walk, not around the lagoon, but through time.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held on Tuesday 25 July 2023, 3:00pm in the Committee Room at the Council offices in Blenheim, everyone is welcome. Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon Society is managed by a two-tier management system - the Executive and the Working Group. The Executive is the governance group and the Working Group manages the daily operations. At the AGM the community members will be elected to the Executive.

Nominations for the Community Executive Members have been received.  This year we have the following people standing for election: Rosanne Anderson; Phil Bradfield; Guy Gardiner; Doug Hislop; Angela MacKenzie; and Rosanne Marsden. Lis Johnson has been nominated for Treasurer.


There will be a vote at the AGM to elect the Community Executive Members, further information on the nominees will be sent out to the members prior to the AGM. 


Trap Lines

Phil Hunnisett is the new coordinator for the trapping program, thank you Phil. There is an informal training, chat and BBQ session for the trappers on the 15th of July 12 noon. Please contact Phil for details at: hunnisett@xtra.co.nz 



The opening of the new Bridge Te Arohata Ngahere Nui (the bridge to big bush) in 2016. One of the achievements over the last 20 years at the lagoon.

Sunday Working Bee

Come down to the Grovetown Lagoon on Sunday the 9th of July and join us for a working bee. Meeting 9.30am at the Rowing Club. We will be tree planting and clearing weeds, working from 9.30 to 11.30am followed by a cup of tea and BBQ. Thanks to Meaters of Marlborough for providing the sausages.


Wednesday (and/or Thursday) Wetland Warriors
Looking for something to do that involves lots of fresh air? Wednesday Warriors, weeding, planting and caring for plants at the Lagoon every Wednesday 9.30am - 11.30am. Or potting up in the Shade house Thursday from 1pm to 3pm at the Grovetown School.
Contact Person is Rosanne Anderson rosanne.anderson@gmail.com

Lagoon Events for 2023

Working Bee Dates
Every second Sunday of the Month (excluding January and December)

  • 9 July

  • 13 August

  • 10 September

  • 8 October

  • 12 November

Working Group Meeting Dates
Every 6 weeks on Tuesday at 3.30pm at Council.

  • 1 August

  • 12 September

  • 7 November

Executive Meeting Dates
Quarterly 3.30pm at Council

  • 22 August

  • 21 November


Annual General Meeting

Committee Room at Council at 3pm

  • 25 July


Want to donate to the Grovetown Lagoon?


Thanks to our Sponsors

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Contact Details
Tim Barton – Chairman
Phone 03 5780229

Newsletter written by
Justine Johnson – Coordinator
Phone 03 5795732

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