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Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Project


Newsletter 55

Published on Jul 5, 2022

Grovetown Lagoon Water Monitoring

The Marlborough District Council has started monitoring the water quality at the Grovetown Lagoon as part of its lake water quality monitoring program. The water is being tested monthly for turbidity, nitrogen, e-coli bacteria, chlorophyll-a and phosphorus. The water samples are sent away for laboratory analysis.  The state of water quality is then calculated using data collected over a whole year. The results of the monitoring will show if there are any water quality issues at the lagoon that need to be actioned. 

The ecological restoration work at the lagoon has been ongoing for over 20 years. At the start of the project, base line monitoring of streams feeding into the lagoon and the lagoon itself was undertaken. The new sampling at the lagoon can be compared to the results taken at the start of the project. The results will be interesting as there have been some land use changes over the past 20 years in Grovetown. Council Environmental Monitoring Officer Mark Caldwell is taking a water sample in the photograph above. 

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